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Christ Church & Organ

10 Glenlyon Road,, BRUNSWICK VIC 3056 - Property No B0549

Church Statement of Significance: A church which is quite exceptional for its Picturesque Italianate character, though it is unclear whether this was intended at the outset. The nave of 1857, designed by Purchas & Swyer, may have been stuccoed at a later date, but the transpets, chancel and vestry were designed by Smith & Watts in 1873-4, and the transept elevation has something of the character of the designs in N H Parker's book Villa Rustica of 1835. This is ... more



Christ Church & Organ - Beechworth Historic Area

25 - 27 Ford Street,, BEECHWORTH VIC 3747 - Property No B0618

Church Statement of Significance: A sturdy church designed by Leonard Terry and built in two stages with a distinctive character which derives from its use of the attractive local granite, and from its castellated tower. The buttressed nave with lancet windows in the Early English manner dates form 1858 and the tower and polygonal chancel from 1864. The Carpenter Gothic vestry off the chancel, possibly of the 1870s contributes to the charm of the building. The pipe organ built ... more



Christ Church & Organ - Castlemaine Historic Area

8 Mostyn Street,, CASTLEMAINE VIC 3450 - Property No B0665

Church Statement of Significance: One of the oldest substantial churches on the Victorian goldfields, of great interest for its use of local sandstone and for details such as the rose window and the faces carved on the crockets. This is a particularly charming and intact church, integrally involved in the history of the Castlemaine goldfield, and was the subject of a legal action between the architects and the trustees. Church Classified: 'Local' prior 1967 Revised: ... more

